

iiCorsair #Chat Talk

General Chat

Check out this project Our teacher showed us this in class yesterday and it seemed full of emotion. The words and meaning contained in it are very deep. I'd like to see your reflections on it. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltun92DfnPY]To This Day Project[/url] PS: I am not trying to advertise anything of the video. This is only for entertainment and reflective purposes. Edit: This has been posted on Basilmarket before (as I have recently found out), but I would still leave the thread open for any new opinions on the video that others would like to share. :[b][/b])

General Chat

Which book Enders Game or The Hobbit I'm torn between which of the two books to get. [url=http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/enders-game-orson-scott-card/1100353963?ean=9780812550702&itm=1&usri=9780812550702]Ender's Game[/url] or [url=http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hobbit-j-r-r-tolkien/1100068700?ean=9780547928227&itm=1&usri=9780547928227]The Hobbit[/url]. Has anyone of you ever read one of these books and would like to inform me about it? Thanks in advance. :)

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