ilikecinnabun #Chat Talk

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Worst nightmare ever I know I'm a fan for Attack on Titan... but didn't quite expect myself to have a dream about it. Well, it's a nightmare. Some people might assume 'well, you had titans in your dream.' No, mine had nothing to do with titans, hope it was, because that would have been much gentler. One line summary: I was interrogated (tortured) by Levi. (don't quite remember the much details to the reason why, but...) It was the one of the scariest nightmare I had in my life...

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How difficult is college calculus? Well, I'm going to college this year as a freshman with planned major in arts/social science field (indicating I am not really into math). I always used to not do that well on math since childhood, so I thought I will just be off to take regular math for college. Instead, I took the placement test recently and by that I qualified out of regular calculus sequence- which I never expected to happen. Uhm... so I have to take advanced calculus sequence (fancy name too- emphasis on geometry or other algebraic terms I have no clue what it is) instead for general education requirements. I think they will make me take geometry one because I got the very top percentile for trigonometry/geometry. My concern is this:

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How is Ap Chem? I did a basic scheduling (not completely decided) yesterday. I'm going to be a senior... Our school does not have a lot of AP course varieties, so it's pretty limited. I am planning to take: AP Lit, AP Human Geo, H-Precalc AB, Econ/Gov/Health/Gym, H-Spanish 5 (college credit other than AP :D) some elective if I have some space left. I was pretty good at Honors Chemistry last year but my teacher didn't recommend me for AP Chem because my math wasn't pretty stellar. But since I'm pretty good at Algebra 2 now... Is AP Chem really hard? When it gets to logic part (theories, rules and stuff), I'm pretty good at Chemistry, I just am not really good at practical usage. Otherwise I'm pretty good, I scored a top percentile in the fin

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Curry water was not a great thing to drink I went to a Thai restaurant tonight with my friends and one of my friends grabbed a glass of water (his water), squeezed some lime in and dumped a big spoon of yellow curry I was eating into the water. He drank it because he lost in game we played to make a loser drink that water, but I voluntarily tasted that water (just a sip) because I was just curious. Don't do that...It tastes horrible. Mixed in with lime juice made the taste worse I think. I wouldn't describe the exact taste of it since it's pretty disgusting.

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The first time taking that test I took the exam (to see how prepared you are for college) today...everyone looked prepared. I ate a chicken burger after that and that burger was badly cooked. I feel sick now because of that chicken burger. It's not a myth, it's just a test. I only went there with my pure head and two pencils that needed to be sharpen several times. A girl in front of me had a dozen of identically sharpened pencils, I'm pretty sure she must be the perfect test taker. She also had a pink calculator, which was quite remarkable. It was a great day.

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Being zombies wouldnt be a terrible idea It's just my point of view based on how zombies are portrayed in TVs, Movies, etc. Being zombies wouldn't be that horrible: -They walk all the time (no extra exercise to do) -They have no conflicts (they have no brains to create conflicts other than with humans?) -No rigid class system, maybe simpler class systems, since they have no brains to think of such hierarchy, they will simply develop nothing more advanced than animal food chain pyramid or something like that -No need to learn such languages, you just speak "gahh, ahhh" -No more pollution other than carcasses of leftover food I think, they wouldn't have enough intelligence to drive cars, cause smokes, make petroleum on use, etc I do