

infferrno #General Talk


Dont you just LOVE sore losers in PvP So I just did a Team Match and it started off horrible for my team. Everyone was AFK and it was literally me vs. 6 people for about a minute and a half. I ended up doing pretty dam well but was losing by 7 kills (lol I still got 6 :P). Then the rest of my team joined in and things picked up for us and we came out victorious. Obviously I was the "Champion" every single time so I was spending just as much time doing hit-and-runs as I was spamming my assaulter/BoT inside a mosh-pit. Well. The match ended and these were the results: What happened next...: Don't you just LOVE sore losers? xD inb4 G.I.R.L. yes my CB is female. Deal with it.


Why wont people work with you So I decided to log on today and set up a level 90 extractor for some small profit while I played Vindictus and whatnot. Lo and behold, I see someone with one up already at 2500 mesos. I set mine up at the exact same price, 2500, and AFKed. I came back an hour later and his price was still the same. Swell! I quickly checked my profits and, while I did this, some stupid 17X mage came along and set up her extractor for 1000... I whispered her telling her to set it at our price so we could all share in the profits. Nothing. So I set mine at 750. She whispers me back: "fine, fight with me over prices" or something like that... She goes to 450. So, me being the tired and morning-angry person I am... set it


Dont you just LOVE sore losers in PvP Part 2 Yup me again with another noob in PvP. :3 This time I don't have SS's unfort. so I can't give out IGNs. :c Anyway, so here I am PvPing happily doing pretty well... all of a sudden I die. No big deal right? Wrong. The guy, another CB (in his 110s) calls me a nib. o-o I check and turns out he's the one who killed me... Needless to say that kind of ticked me off so I hunted him down and killed him 3 times... calling him a nib each time. :D He gets angry and chases me down when I'm at 1/4 of my HP seeing as I'm in the middle of a brawl with 3 of his teamates. Me kills me and calls me a nib again. I go back and kill him twice. I see him coming at me again and proceed to FJ around the map spamming BoT.


Are people seriously THAT greedy? Today I was CWKPQing with a friend, and all the members were friends of friends, etc... On the 4th stage she DCs leaving me the lead... everything goes smooth. First looter gets her MoN and then everything hits the fan... We take down the last 3 bosses and, just as I was taking the 2nd looter to his MoN, some greedy arse enters the bonus. -_- Instead of being courteous and waiting at the door... they all enter the bonus. -_- Obviously I reach there with 20 seconds left. What do I see? People running amok, despite me saying only THREE BOXES... every ass there starts breaking every box within sight... I got no box and 2k mesos from someone else\'s drop. Are people that greedy and that incompetent as to leav