

ise3 #General Talk


Just some ideas for party play These days it seems so hard to organize a boss run with your guild, friends, or even just random people. You spend a good half hour looking for the people to go on the run, another half hour waiting for everyone to finish the prequest(s), and then another 10 minutes waiting for everyone to arrive, and by then someone has to leave. Thus leading to a heavy emphasis in the maple community on soloing. While loot or pride may influence the emphasis on soloing, the point is, organizing a run is too much of a hassle. Thus, here is my list of ideas to promote party play for bossing. 1. Different loot system: Honestly maple is probably one of the few games where looting is a big issue. Money bags aren't really that imp


Best world for someone starting completely over So my friends and I decided to play maplestory together for the hell of it and we decided to ditch our old characters in Windia (well they did, they refuse to play in Windia). We need a good server for starting over. We want a server that's not as crowded as Windia but not totally unpopulated to the point where finding a lhc party is impossible. We're starting from scratch - 0 mesos 0 NX (since none of us are willing to pay for an mmorpg), lvl 1 adventurers only.