issacrandom #General Talk


Pdr Stack Question So, since the new UI gave the multiplicative calculations of PDR, I've been trying to find out how exactly certain things stack together. I've tried multiple variations in calculation and I've managed to get quite close to what's listed on my stats. However, I've been a few %'s off, so I'd like to know if anyone knows the answers to some questions: 1) How does the RA set work? For example, my bow has two pot lines of 30% and 15% ignore def. I've heard these combine to be one 45% source. However, as a fafnir bow, it has the 10% PDR built into the weapon. Does my bow become a 55% source of PDR, does it stack with the other parts of the RA set (5%, 5%, and 10%) to form a single 20% source, or do they each separately get calc