

jace209 #Hero Talk

General Hero

Never really bossed, should i try? Like the title says, ive never really bossed, other than weak ones like scarlion/targa and zakum. First time i went solo zakum and 155, had 21k buffed range, and i was hitting 100k stacks with intrepid. Since then, ive gained 35 level, and im now 190 with 68k buffed range. I can stack 300-410k per slash on intrepids with 40% boss. Normally, with enrage i can hit max damage every slash, but i have no idea if im strong enough to take out a von leon, or chaos zakum. ive never even attempted. i can take a normal zak solo in 5 minutes though. 2 questions, should i be able to take out the bosses? and is it worth it to keep gearing if i already hit max damage on bosses?