
Considering World Transfer

Zenith died

I had some computer issues a few months back that forced me to quit Maple, When I came back though Zenith was deader than dead. There are barely 2 full rooms in the FM on ch1, and at night you're lucky to see even one person standing in the free market... and it's usually a meso/nx spammer. Guilds are dead, most buddies have quit or moved on to better worlds, and now it's just lonely. I've tried to make some new friends but it seems like most everyone is level 200 and they don't have time for lowly noobs like me

Sooo I'm gonna suck it up and pay for a world transfer... Problem is it's been years and years since I played another in another world. I'm looking for somewhere with a nice full free market, and a decent sized FRIENDLY population... Not like Scania population but enough people to be able to find a pq party easily and not have a completely dead buddy list. Somewhere where you actually see people on channels other than 1 but can still find a training map.

I used to play Bera [4 or 5 years ago] and I loved it there, but I'm not sure how much it's changed since big bang/chaos/etc, so I need some help/advice. I'm most considering Bera, Windia, Khaini or Bellocan [for population reasons only as I've only played in 1 of these worlds] but I'm open to suggestions

As much as I appreciate sticking up for your home world, I'd like some real input instead of just another world pride thread... so if you comment please at least say why I should pick that world.

Thanks in advance :]

[EDIT:] Okay so my husband and I decided to move to Bera... one last question though, Does anyone know if it's fairly easy to get an APQ party together there? I made a test character and looked around a bit but apq place in ch1 was dead... Any Berans still regularly apqing?

March 6, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


@Ecoutie Thank you so much for your detailed reply :] I've been doing a bit of research and your comment was the last straw for windia... At this point, I'm thinking I'll end up back in Bera... Maybe I will make a test character in Khaini or Bello before I buy the Xfer coupon though, just to be sure :] if you ever end up in Bera [if I go there] send me a buddy request or a pm here

Reply March 6, 2012

I haven't tried Bellocan. I briefly visited Khaini to check out the FM. It seems a little on the quiet side... not bad, but quiet. And the rumors about all the hacking that goes on there. Eh. Avoid Windia at all costs if you can. It has the best name and a very pretty server symbol but of all worlds I've been too it has by far the rudest maplers. I'm from there and I'm familiar with the drama. Although I found it to be humorous years ago, now it's just dated and all around unpleasant. I got verbally abused and cussed out within 5 minutes of entering Henesys. On two different characters and two different days. (I thought it might be a fluke so I gave it another try... big mistake!) And so I save the best for last. I highly recommend Bera. The people that I've met there have been friendly, entertaining and generous. If I could convince my bf to world transfer or start over with me, that's the world I'd pick hands down.

Reply March 6, 2012

@bdsm ahh crap I hadn't even considered the skill stuff oh well, I just wish it didn't cost so much to switch.

@gnkstar lol yeah I have to admit WINdia has the best name, I'll let you know if I end up there, thanks for the offer :]

Reply March 6, 2012

@janny1993 thanks, I didn't know Khaini had a significant ammount of hackers, Zenith does too... I mean I know no matter where I end up there's gonna be hackers, but I'd rather it not be an obscene ammount of people.

@bdsm, yeah I know what you mean about having too many characters to move, sadly I will only be taking my NL and my husband lol.

@Ecther I'd rather avoid super small worlds, I'm afraid they will eventually die like Zenith and I'll be forced to move again.

also, thank you guys for the buddy offers, I will definitely take you up on them if I end up in Bera, it's always nice to make new friends :]

Reply March 6, 2012

bera is alright if you move to bera you can add my hero. Besides everyone was low lvl once and i dont mind hanging around low levels

Reply March 6, 2012

Khaini is probably not recommended... I heard it's a hacker paradise....
Scania... too populated and lots of je.... *cough* ....rk here... lol

Reply March 6, 2012

@Firechris Thanks, if I end up in Bera I'll do that :]

Reply March 6, 2012

come to bera! you can add me

Reply March 6, 2012