

jakbeer #General Talk


Additional Options Thoughts Hello! MLC Daxterbeer here and I was wondering what you guys think of Flames of Rebirth. I understand there are unfunded players, godly players and many upgrade systems including Nebulites. Additional Options, but is anyone interested in this? The link above is the link to the actual poll and forum since making a new poll would be confusing. I understand we have Nebulites, but we would work on that before we try releasing another system. But in the meantime, I would like to hear you opinions! :D So far, players are upset about the scissors issue, but the council could discuss removing the burden. The main idea behind Additional Options is to allow players to make stronger items as long they can kill simple bosses


Should GMS get Flames of Rebirth Additional Options *-starforce-and-flames%26nxid%3D6 I am wondering what you guys think about Additional Options and if it should come to GMS. I am hoping the game can provide a free way to upgrade equipment that doesn't involve having to spend real money. Having additional options would help those players who don't have much to spend get more damage as well provide a variety of different equipment in the game instead of using the same old CRA tyrant gollux SW combos. EMS had the ideal version of Flames of Rebirth by not having the scissor count. I want to hear your thoughts :D


New Content Very Difficulty Boss Mode Expeditions are when players gang up on a boss. Should there be a mode where you can fight 2 bosses at the same time? You can fight with a 40 death count, and you can only solo. Bosses cannot heal and the arena is random except zakum and horntail which requires platforms as well as ranmaru and pink bean. The prizes included a package of all possible equipments. Battle's can be won once a week like CRA. Any potentialized item will have a unique- legendary pot 3L as well as a bonus pot (rare or rare+) Items from dual boss battles cannot be PSOKed and are rendered indestructible and can't lose slots (failures still occur.) This may lead to legit 15 star equips. 25 stars eqps would be around after U&I u


Transposing Utgard Katara To Sw Katara Not Working? Is this even possible? I know it works with fafnir kataras and empress kataras, but Utgard is 140 like the empress Katara. I spent some time making this to replace my old katara which was made with unleashed scrolls. I got to unique on both bonus and regular pot of my new katara and it is primed and ready to be transposed (I hope if Nexon fixes transposing to SW.) Please allow Utgard Eqps to be transposed like Empress and CRA! Katara was made with 3 bonus cubes and 3 black cubes. I had a whole closest of prime scrolls on my mule (30 untradeable ones)