
Friend story

Is it fun and are there any good rewards ?

November 9, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


it was boring, but getting slot expansions is good?

Reply November 9, 2014

As someone who just dont have the patience to read so much of it it was dreadful. But i heard people who actually had the patience to read it enjoyed it.
Reward wise its meh, bunch of chairs and medals , damage skin if u get enough needles by dec 1st i think

Reply November 9, 2014

awesome thanks guys

Reply November 9, 2014

It's pretty fun, the story's decent. It was good enough to be considered interesting in my eyes .
If you do the stories, there are inventory expansion coupons which are pretty good imo. The "anvil" type dresses/suits are pretty cool, except I use a top and bottom so it serves me no use .

Reply November 9, 2014

dialogue is pretty funny at times, but there's a ton of "kill 300 mobs" or "find 60 of the lost papers"

Reply November 9, 2014

I thought the plot was interesting. Reward wise, if you want something good, you need to collect a bunch of the needles from the dungeon, after the storyline. People do it for the chalk skin thing. There's other items you can purchase such as uniforms, chairs, medals, etc. Oh and rewards from the stories is like 3 needles and other stuff. When you finish it, you get a shinsoo badge

Reply November 9, 2014