

Best way to go in this situation equipwise

Hello everyone,

Recently I got back into the game and I'm having a great time on my Dark, except... For the damage.

Now I don't expect to be doing max damage cap every attack but my range buffed is 68k-79k and I'm level 195. Which is pretty subpar from what I've seen.

Any ideas on easiest ways to boost my range.

I have Empress set(No cape/shoulder/weap) ->Clean with pretty bad pots
Fafnir PA ->+3% total damage and 3% strength?
Right now for pendants I have a HT necklace and a MoN. Now the pendant slot will probably expire soon...
I heard the Gollux set is really good, and I'd love to do it but of course you need decent damage before you can solo or even duo with a friend.
Capewise I got a 7 att democrat balloon cape(star force enhanced and such)
I also have the ghost hunter badge, but I cant seem to scroll it
Can I still acquire an emblem?

What's my plan of action to increase my damage range?

I have 150m in Yellonde, which isn't a lot :O

Thanks everyone!

May 21, 2015

3 Comments • Newest first


Thanks man, I'll work on all that. Getting these items will take while but I'll chip away at it slowly. If I have any more question I'll lets you know!

Once again thanks for writing a detailed answer. I really appreciate it.

Reply May 22, 2015 - edited

You'll need a bit more money than that but if you have 300mil,l I'd estimate you could get around 100k+ range buffed (I spent 300mil and got 111k buffed on by TB) However pirate gear is cheaper, but still maybe 500mil at most?

Start with clean CRA everything (pants, top, hat, weapon)
Empress boots, cape, and gloves (if the shoulder is very cheap, get it too, if not ignore it don't spend more than 25mil for it)
Buy the black metal shoulder
Start the Commerci quest line and buy the face and eye accessory
Look for 4-6% str half-earrings or something similar
Buy either solid/reinforced gollux belt and pendant (the other parts will come later once you can afford it.
If you can/have the time/feel like it, use maple coins to buy the RED pocket item and get 30 charm to unlock the pocket slot.
Rings that are worth your while are rather expensive and be saved until later.

The next thing you will want to do is enhance all of those items with 70% traces (if you want the best luck wait until spell trace fever time (I did the entire set during that time and only 2 failed out or everything)) This applies to your weapon too. After you do that, start star forcing all your items to 10 stars. Start with your weapon if you're running low on money.

Like I said above I recently did this on my TB and for fairly cheap my range went from 30k buffed to 111k. It could be less or more for you, but Drk's have a good range booster and buffs so you may even get a higher range than that.

Moving on from that point:
Hopefully with a higher range you'll start to be able to being training more efficiently and start some easier bosses to begin earning a bit of your money back. The next thing to do will be to epic potential all of your gear starting with your weapon. Depending on your world epic pot scrolls are 70-90mil. This is quite expensive compared to the previous steps, but will be your go to for your next big boost in range. After your gear has epic potentials, you can start cubing with cubes from bosses, the CS, or the maple rewards. Aim for 6% str on all your equips and take the best stats you can for your weapon. This should get your range up atleast 200k more (only a rough estimate because some classes vary drastically). With this range you'll be able to do stronger bosses and earn more money more quickly.

Hope this helps, if I messed up anything or if you have questions, feel free to message me. I also am too lazy to proof read.

Reply May 22, 2015 - edited

Get rid of the empress and get a cra set

Reply May 21, 2015 - edited