

jimmix #Fun Talk

General Fun

Senario: So we're fighting North Korea and *hypothetical situation people* So we're fighting North Korea and we're winning. Then outta no where they have this HUGE MECHANIZED MACHINE WITH LAZERS AND MASSIVE AMOUNT OF GUNS and its NUKE/BOMB/BULLET PROOF, IT ALSO DEFLECTS LAZERS DIRECTED AT IT, ALSO ITS ELECTRONICS CANNOT BE HACKED INTO OR JAMMED, ITS EMP PROOF. Japanese Gundam have nothing on it. Iron man cant stop it. The Mechanized Machine can fly and travel anywhere around the world in about 2-3 hours. It's as big as a New York Sky Scraper(You know like Power Ranger ones). What do we do now? *Bet you didn't see this coming did you?* Mod changed title ty :D Since we're in a fantasy world here. An asteriod hit NK during the reign of the Din