

Hey I/l mages I need help please

I've returned to maple about two months ago after an almost 6 year break my main was around 40 and now I managed to level 140, but I'm not sure how my character is doing overall as I feel weak against some other maplers around
first my damage is raging from 15k-20k self buffed skills
i have managed to save 30m in all my efforts buying potions from NLC and doing a manual way back
My damage stack goes to 60% extra plus the 50% of a 3rd job skill we had, Critical damage is 80% and 50% chance with no damage for bosses
can you guys please advice me, evaluate my character and please explain what are this new stats for (charm,empathy...) and how do I increase boss damage?
also if possible how on earth do you manage to save 500m in the game? I've met a lvl 80 (with a 110 main) that had over 200m saved and naturally I felt useless
EDIT: what are androids for? I just got one in an event quest and honestly I dont find the big deal

July 16, 2014

8 Comments • Newest first


thank you very much! one last things what are these new color crystals for? and how much are they worth? the same goes for summoning stones, spirit rocks and twisted time rocks thanks

Reply July 18, 2014

Elite bosses are more common in popular lower level training areas, so it might be worth it to make another character. I know with Shade's training theres been a lot of bosses in common areas (usually those recommended by the mapleguide)

If you get a 120 weapon drop core in EVO, a set of weapons called Necro weapons will drop. They are the same weapons dropped by Hilla

Emp equips are available in the fm

Reply July 17, 2014

this game has no real progression unless you are heavily funded. the poor stay poor and the rich get richer. unless you want to stick around for a few years, take advantage of the events, merch, and take advantage of cheats affecting the economy and even then u would still probably be weaker than my mage I funded from scratch starting 1 month ago. p2w hardcore.

Reply July 17, 2014

[quote=Teahouses]Well, for one, grinding and killing Elite Monsters (around your level) in the hopes of finding a boss is a great way to farm expensive scrolls that can net you as much as 350m a piece (50% epic potential scroll) just for killing them.

Other than that, 200m is not that significant anymore. Theres lots of realistic things you can do to get these things/Strengthen yourself on a budget

-You can farm Necro weapons from Evo Lab and go to Ardentmill and extract them into expensive item crystals
- Do Monster Park Extreme until you have a set of 6% intelligence items, then buy Empress if you get a chance (Or just wait till 150 for a three piece Root Abyss set)
- Once you get stronger, closer to 150-160, you can begin to do Gollux runs for Gollux equips that will sell nicely in the Fm and buff you up if you choose to use them
- Look at a guide for Link Skills and pick which characters would benefit your I/L. (For instance, Phantom gives 15% more crit rate). Just leveling up other characters can boost your character as well by using the character card system

theres tons of ways past level 120 to start saving up without having to buy nx

also i recommend you find a guild so you can ask questions and have people to grind with <3[/quote]

I'm sorry but you lost me, Necro weapons? I mean I got my dragon staff upgraded it thanks to the new system and made it soul with ani, not much else? and how are the chances of finding a elite boss? never met one before and already I had a fair share of elites. and where do I buy empress equips?

Reply July 16, 2014

It's extremely hopeless for people who have been gone more than 2 years, unless you just happen to have 10bil lying around.
140 is the new level 30 pretty much.
My damage range on my I/L was ~20k at level 120 with equips that were really weak relative to the rest of my equips, and I'm pretty sure none of my characters has equips that are worth more than 2bil altogether.
30mil is the new 10k. Okay maybe 100k. It's still barely anything to most people I daresay. Actually it seems like everyone who's active is also funded, in that they spend 10bil+ on their character.
You increase boss damage through Demon Slayer link skill (get Demon Slayer to level 70 for 10% boss, 120 for 15% boss, 210 for 20% boss), also through potential and certain equips' stats.
Honestly my first 1bil was back when we still had the trade shop. I bought NX, bought a stormcaster glove for 22k NX, then sold it for 1.3bil or so. Other than that I have sold NX successfully like 2 times to get more mesos, and other than that some very long term merching.
Most people would recommend merching to get more mesos, but I don't know how you'd do it with only 30mil to start with.
Android needs a heart and then the heart can give you stats. Last year they gave away hearts with lots of slots or something and you can scroll them with any scroll, including attack scrolls, so that could be an extra 25 attack or whatever.

It's hard now for people who don't have access to lots of NX.

Reply July 16, 2014

yeah i made the mistake of going 5/7 emp because i had never done it before, probably shoulda waited for cra

Reply July 16, 2014

Yeah what +Teahouses said. Great tips.

Another pretty effective way is to mine heartstones/other veins for Wisdom crystals, they sell very quickly for around 3m/piece! Which is really not bad at all. Also my advice would be to skip EMP totally and go straight for CRA/FAF, it's actually not that expensive anymore Good luck mate.

Reply July 16, 2014

Well, for one, grinding and killing Elite Monsters (around your level) in the hopes of finding a boss is a great way to farm expensive scrolls that can net you as much as 350m a piece (50% epic potential scroll) just for killing them.

Other than that, 200m is not that significant anymore. Theres lots of realistic things you can do to get these things/Strengthen yourself on a budget

-You can farm Necro weapons from Evo Lab and go to Ardentmill and extract them into expensive item crystals
- Do Monster Park Extreme until you have a set of 6% intelligence items, then buy Empress if you get a chance (Or just wait till 150 for a three piece Root Abyss set)
- Once you get stronger, closer to 150-160, you can begin to do Gollux runs for Gollux equips that will sell nicely in the Fm and buff you up if you choose to use them
- Look at a guide for Link Skills and pick which characters would benefit your I/L. (For instance, Phantom gives 15% more crit rate). Just leveling up other characters can boost your character as well by using the character card system

theres tons of ways past level 120 to start saving up without having to buy nx

also i recommend you find a guild so you can ask questions and have people to grind with <3

Reply July 16, 2014