

Tips for defeating Ursus raid boss

Hello! My group was the 2nd group to kill this boss in Windia (some say first but I am not sure).

Here are a few tips for those who want to take on this boss, or are having trouble getting through this boss.
- Skills: Recommended that each party could have one person with Maple Warrior, as the rest get other buffs/main bossing stkill. Choose the 8 skills wisely, but it isnt too hard. Decent skills dont need to be chosen, you can use them still. Also, do NOT use macros. Set up your keyboard again and use individual skills because it helps when you need to buff and he is about to attack/meteors about to fall on you,etc.

-Revives: Main people reviving should be thieves only (unless another person can safely revive someone in that situation you're in). Darksight lets you pass by meteors falling, and can easily revive others.

-Each party should have 1 Phantom/Bishop that has heal so less potions consumed.

- (Have yet to test this) Potion pot does not affect the potion usage, can spam potion pot without pot usage going down.

- If running out of revives are a problem, only revive people most useable (dmg wise and revive wise) when going under 40 revives left. Press TAB to see the current damage/revives everyone has. Why?: Revives won't be wasted and the very end of the boss (last 10%) is a huge pot burner and many people will die if not a thief/da/healer.

-For most (if not all) of Ursus' attacks, he will either glow red,green, or a bit of purple. Run from him whenever you see this, unless you're behind him then you're safe. He has rush attack, a grabbing attack, an eating? attack, two stuns, meteors falling, spikes coming from ground(you will see where they will come from so you can dodge it), a swipe up, a slam down(1h ko , he glows red), and a 1h ko earthquake thing, Also think he has a mini breath attack. To be safe, run from him whenever he glows red/green/purple.

-When someone is grabbed into Ursus' hand or mouth, make sure everyone is attacking his mouth, or jumping on him
to attack his hand. This will let the person live because Ursus will eventually let him go after a good
amount of damage. If too slow, person will die.

-He has two stuns. One regular stun like normal stuns from other mobs/bosses that go away in a few seconds. This is from a normal attack, not a 1 ko. The second stun freezes you in a rock basically, and someone else has to come get you out. [Cannot use potions once stunned]

-After a few (maybe around 10%)of his HP has been taken away, meteors will start to drop slowly. They speed up
more as his HP goes lower. Around 25% hp left, the meteors will spam in a line across the map with about
2 openings in it to dodge on both corners of map, or in between the meteors if you can dodge well and good control.

-Around 30% and less Hp, he will start to place bombs on people counting down from 9. They 1hit KO if you are alone. To SURVIVE from this, go near other players to spread all the damage out instead of you taking the 1hit ko and dying.

-Near 10% hp and less, meteors will fall all over the map every 1-2 seconds. Need very good control/dodging for this.Or thief use Dark sight, Demon avengers spam shields to get health back, or you can spam potion pot or heal if you have a bishop or phantom in party.

-Recommended people for this raid boss: Demon Avengers (spam shields to get health back), Thieves (dps [if funded] and dark sight for revivers ), Phantoms/Bishops for Heal, Any other people are have good damage/dps, good dodgers/revivers.

~Will update this later with video~

~Our completion (Windia) took about 17minutes to complete the entire boss. Going in 25%hp left, we still had about 50+ revives.

~Still not sure how damage works in here. Everyone is put to 2m-2m range apparently.
A person who ahd 900k clean range, dealt much more than someone who was already 2mil range. Weird, if someone
could explain that to me then I can add to these tips. Supposedly, weak people get buffed and strong people get nerfed?? but still some strong people do normal lines in it..Also my damage went down alot each run which I do not understand either...

Will try to make a guide I guess for this boss,but these tips should help. You'll get the hang of the dodging and timing. And will try to update this with more, as I do more runs.

If anyone in Windia needs help with a run let me know : Wompable. I am a pretty good dodger/reviver/assister (have been the best ones in all my runs). Also decent dps.

What I usually do (since I was main assister). I did dps until meteors started to fall and people began to die. Then focused on dodging and reviving others and doing damage to save people most of the time. Still dont know how damage works inside of here though, it is very confusing and makes no sense on how it works.

Here a few screen shots:


January 15, 2016

5 Comments • Newest first


@sinfulshadow ahhhh.. someone else has said the more starforce= the more nerf you get?? Not sure but a 600k range person with 150 star force did 3x more damage than me with 200 star force and I'm past 2m-2m.

Reply January 15, 2016

@justgoof It looks like the more starforce you have the higher your range will be. Even if your Range is 2m~2m that is a visual cap. Your range really goes past that.

Reply January 15, 2016

Power Compensation System

In order to reduce the disparity between power levels of users from level 100 to 250, the Power Compensation system will be applied so that everyone can have fun together. Depending on your equipped weapon’s level and your total Star Force, your damage will be adjusted. Users will be able to play together with similar power levels.

Reply January 15, 2016

the following character balancing is about to happen in the next month or so:

Dark Sight: if you dodge a % HP attack with Dark Sight, Dark Sight will be removed and it will go on cooldown for 3 seconds per attack avoided (stacking up to 5 times)

Shield Chasing: now consumes 8% of your maximum HP when used

thats gonna be a headache. btw, bishop's holy magic shell can guard against the timer bombs. Get >80% buff duration on a bishop will make it permanent.

Reply January 15, 2016