

kamuisaito #Cannoneer Talk

General Cannoneer

Cannoneer help recently I been elite bossing and I made about 8b within the last 8 days or so(thanks alot to rng and inflation) I was wondering what I should upgrade first. My cannon is legendary(thanks to meister cubes LOL) but it's scrolled it 70% traces. I also don't have a good pendant or a belt or shoulder. I was wondering if it would be smarter to invest my money into Gollux items or innocencing my cannon and 15 it all the way during fever. we got my brothers pole arm to +8 15's with 60 slates but I don't know if thats average or very good so I am not sure if I can expect something like that again. I have about 45 slates left over from elites and was just curious on what to do. my range is about 400k if that matters at all.