
Luminous or Blaze wizard?

I'm seeing which class is better and easier to fund! and for Lumi are they difficult of easy to fund?

September 28, 2014

7 Comments • Newest first


I've played both and I still prefer Luminous. Don't get me wrong, both are amazing classes. Though the fact that BW has FJ instead of teleport annnoys me, I prefer teleport. And the fireball skill gets repetitive in my opinion, more variety as a Luminous with EQ/Ender and all that.

Reply September 28, 2014

so lumi has that crazy mobbing ability... but since the damage is meh, that means it would take alot of funding to fully utilize...

but BW is revamped and strong and affects inflation...

so, they're balanced right? whats left is style right?

Reply September 28, 2014

Blaze Wizard is extremely hard to maintain a good buffed range, since the biggest buff is the small circle taht they must stand in. 1.2m clean can solo chaos vellum, which is the threshold you should aim for. Good luck!

Reply September 28, 2014


Reply September 28, 2014

Hmmm i really want a class that can train fast (Lumi) But the damage is meh on Luminous. What are good points of luminous'?

Reply September 28, 2014

Depends if you like being good at mobbing and bossing or just mobbing.

Reply September 28, 2014

revamp would make the BW equips cost more than others right?

Reply September 28, 2014