

kelav #General Talk


No more town lag, but. Many of the popular NPCs have been moved to the Event Hall. You can get to the Event Hall through the Dimensional Mirrors in major towns. NPCs that have been moved: Cassandra Maple Administrator Cody Gaga Most additional event NPCs Affected towns: Henesys Ellinia Perion Kerning City Lith Harbor Sleepywood Nautilus Orbis Ludibrium Omega Sector Korean Folk Town Aquarium Leafre Mu Lung Herb Town Ariant Magatia Edelstein Pantheon NLC Town Center Zipangu Momijigaoka El Nath But how are people who lag supposed to exchange RED tickets?


some sad stuff on my mind hey guys did you know something very important alot and yeah im sad ok i said it i love you still but do you? how is it even does it work? im not even sure how they work in elevators? like what happens if it gets stuck and people run over by lightnings and get alot of sweat and seas spit them out because they are too salty, because sweat is salty you know? im sorry but im just unsure how are they even happy about themselves doing such things, i mean, i wouldnt.. only sociopaths/psychopaths/antisocial pd's can feel not guilty when doing lots of push ups and sweating alot like in sweaters and such big clothing like an airplane they fly all over the supermarket. im confused, i swear, i dont know what to eat right now

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