

Does hex's atk buff stack periodically?

i'm sure it doesn't because i have checked my range with it, but it seems that the "periodic" buffing is useless if it doesn't?

May 2, 2011

7 Comments • Newest first


[quote=degurlyguy]so if blood's attack is higher than a low level hex's attack, then hex wouldn't cast it, but it'll cast everything else?[/quote]

yea, at level 14 hex, the w.atk is higher than blood, so it will finally stack. for hex, any level lower than 14 will only result in beholder casting acc, avoid, defense, etc

Reply May 2, 2011

@ko680: lolno, if it worked that way...

well, we would have +35w.attk buff 20 times at max level.... LOOOL

and it is annoying at times, but not as much as CO, believe me

Reply May 2, 2011

@darkspawn980: idk, I was hoping that like multiple 35 atks would stack while i was maxing hex f4.. I'd rather have just one hex icon, since its a bit harder to see what buffs you need in a party when it spams you with it lol. Thanks for the explanation though.

Reply May 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=ko680]but is it necessary to have like 5 buff icons that are the same o.O?[/quote]

they look the same, because it's the same skill, but each has a different effect, think of it as a buff that casts more buffs. also, would you rather not have them?
i agree it's kind of weird, but there really isn't much to complain, it's actually better (maybe) this way. since if you get a buff bigger than what beholder gives, it doesn't stop casting everything, just that one buff.

@vladzy: it's what does to me, if i have every buff active, it will keep recasting the w.attk bonus. which is ok i guess, because if it was at random... well, pirate's dice comes to mind f3

Reply May 2, 2011 - edited

but is it necessary to have like 5 buff icons that are the same o.O?

Reply May 2, 2011 - edited

Sorry, I mean like when hex buffs your attack, icons periodically appear on the top right of your screen. The question was why does it buff periodically if the +35 atk +35atk etc won't stack with each other?

Reply May 2, 2011 - edited

uhhh... come again, describe your problem better please? also: skill guide to the left.

Reply May 2, 2011 - edited