

koolmunki #Kaiser Talk

General Kaiser

Dragon Slash vs Gigas Waves For the purpose of this comparison, let's just compare normal form with Gigas Wave maxed training at LHC/SH Gigas maxed does 200% damage x10 to 1 mob Dragon slash does 70% x3 to 8 mobs, 50% x5 to 6 mobs, and 60% x5 to 6 mobs with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd slashes. Things to consider - personally, I think if you keep spamming dragon slash, it attacks much faster than gigas wave so ... My question is how many mobs does it take for Dragon Slash > Gigas?

General Kaiser

Perfecting my Sword currently, i have a 182 att +8 sword unhammered. i would like to use my tempest coins to finish scrolling this baby! in the girls shop, i saw a 25% (100% to blow on failure) premium scroll that adds 7-9 att for 45 coins. is there anyway that would prevent the weapon from blowing up on a failed scroll? (im not sure what the scroll in cs is called, if it even applies) on the other hand, in the guys shop i saw 20% scrolls, what cs scroll would i use to prevent the item from losing a slot from a failed scroll? any help is appreciated, thanks

General Kaiser

What bosses can I solo ? Right now, I'm at 80k fully self-buffed. I have 30% boss and 96.5% PDR. I've only done Pap, Zak, and Hilla so far. (Easy, I know.) I believe I can solo HT, but I need more people to do the pre-quests and pq with me. (On that note, any interested? Add me in-game; MuuunnkiBoy -- 3 u's and 2 n's) CZak, I haven't done yet because I was unable to enter solo. Does anyone know if this is fixed? Does anyone know approximately how long it would take me to solo HT/CZak? After CZak, is CHT. I believe that is a LOT harder, no? Is this possible with my current stats? If not, what is required. ALSO IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO REGULARLY TRAIN AT SH AT NIGHT (PST) ADD ME IN-GAME ALSO PLEASE! :D THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP IN ADVANCE!