

kopred98 #Mage Talk

General Mage

Equips for I/l mage I have a 162 m.atk wand atm, and 3%INT on my belt, cape, shoes and overall. I also have 6%INT on my hat and earring, which has 5 m.atk. My gloves are scrolled to 9 m.atk, and my shield has 2%INT on it. I also have a clean potted MoN. I'm thinking of getting Empress, but with my current budget of 1.6b, I can only afford at most 3 pieces of Empress. (MSea has like empress capes for 500-700m each, with the mage hat being uber rare and costing like max mesos. Empress weps are like non-existent and elestaves are like 1.8b each.) So I'm wondering whether I should get 3 set empress (gloves, shoes, cape) and stick with the rest of my equipments, or whether I should plump for 6%INT on each piece of eq instead (6%INT costs around

General Mage

F/p I/l Bishop Damage Range Thread [header2]Introduction[/header2] Okay so the old mage range thread (if it even existed) kind of died, so here I am trying to create a new thread. [b]All explorer mages (f/p; i/l; bishop) are welcome to post their ranges here. :D[/b] [header2]Last Updated 2/11/2012[/header2] [header2]Major Edits and Updates[/header2] 30/10/2012 - Thread Created. 1/11/2012 - Self-buffing allowed. [header]Rules are simple:[/header] 1. Comment below with your range, with a screenshot provided. Also include your level, IGN and job. 2. The attached screenshot must contain: (a) [b]No[/b] attack potions. [b]Self-buffing is allowed.[/b] (b) Level of Empress Blessing/ Blessing of Fairy (c) Equipment Inventory and total %INT / M.Atk (