

krishy #Mage Talk

General Mage

Which cape to use? Okay, so I have a 2line 6m.atk 4int 3slot PuGC, and I can get a 3line giles. thinking post BB, I'm wondering which I should cube. Don't tell me how don't cube the pugc cause it's 2 lines meaning it sucks, 'cause I don't believe that. Anyways, I can cube the PuGC to like 4 or 6 or 8? % maybe. most likely itll be 4. And I could cube the giles to 9 or 12 oooor 15? at the highest, most likely. Which would be better to get? A 6m.atk 8int, 4%int PuGC, or a 12%int giles?