

What is better 10 atk or 5% HP?

Cubing some bpot atm, wondering if 10 atk is as good as 5% hp.

September 20, 2016

1 Comment • Newest first


Short term, 10 attack wins I think, but once you start enhancing your equips more and your HP to attack ratio comes closer to end game status, the hp starts winning by a lot. That's normal for ALL classes where attack beats stat when something like 10 attack is relatively like a 1.5% boost in your base attack vs 10 stat being only a 0.5% gain (something like 2k base stat vs ~666 base attack) at which point attack gains win due to the lack of it. End game goal is to have your base attack be about half your base main stat, in general. (remember to divide item/skill hp by 35 and pure hp by 28 to get equivalents to regular stats before you compare that base hp to base attack ratio)

Reply September 21, 2016 - edited