

kurandox99 #Chat Talk

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Book To Film Adaptations I really, really need a good book-to-film adaptation, and I need it by like... tonight. I'm in grade 10 btw. I need a young adult fiction novel, it can't be in a series, it can't be a classic (To kill a mockingbird, 1984, catcher in the rye, lord of the flies, etcetc), and it can't be R-rated (Ratings may be different in Canada though, if it's 14A in Canada but R in the US it's fine.) Any genre will do, I don't really care at this point. Need one or I shall fail. Something in mind = Q & A / Slumdog Millionaire <--- idk if I should do that. Anything else I've thought of is either taken or not in my public library/bookstore. (Contact, The Prestige, The Road) BRAINSTORM PLOX, BASIL! EDIT: So far, possible choice

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Rearranging a Physics Formula Hey Basil, this might be a stupid question but I just need a little bit of help on rearranging this formula to solve for g. I'm not exactly sure if what I have is right because I'm not 100% sure when exponents and square roots are involved. The equation is T = 2pi sqrt(L/g) Would I square everything and then multiply both sides by g and then divide both sides by T squared? EDIT: I'm not a bad student... I'm just asking for clarification. I average high 90s ):

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To Kill A Mockingbird So as an English assignment I have to create a cover design of To Kill A Mockingbird and it has to kind reflect the themes and overall message of the book. Stuff like prejudice, violence, tolerance, poverty, racism, social inequality, and injustice. Could anyone help me come up with some ideas of things to use for the cover design or something? o: Thanks:D EDIT: An idea I had was to have one of those weight/money scales like [url=http://images.wisegeek.com/justice-scales.jpg]this[/url] with black people on one side and white people on the other and the one with the white people is weighed down more showing that they're of more "worth" in this book compared to the black community. Idk if it's good or not.

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