

kurandox99 #General Talk


After 7 years of this game I've finally been hacked. I hear stories and know plenty of people/friends that have been hacked of their equips, but for some reason I never thought it would happen to me. I don't download random things that could potentially contain keyloggers, and I'm very safe in how I go about surfing the internet, and protecting my account. No one knows my account info except my sister, so I couldn't have been hacked by friends. I also found the majority of my items (all but my Spectrum Goggles) in the Free Market being sold by a mule. [url=http://i.imgur.com/1S5VT.jpg]VSS, PAC, Overall, Staff, Earrings[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/FAx47.png]My rat mouth.[/url] Just felt like sharing this with basil I guess. After 7 years o