

So during the random coupon event I persisted in not using any despite being tempted because I wanted to keep my bright eyes.. However, le old mouse accidentally clicked a coupon while I was chucking them from my inventory TWO DAYS before the event was to end.. .____. and thus began a long 2 days of over 100 coupons trying to get a look I was happy with >.< I screenied those, might do a collage later? It's horrible, absolutely horrible Dx. and when I finally got one I was happy with, MIS-CLICKED AGAAAIN. Needless to say, this mouse is being retired.

After event ended.. I was blue skinned with red Carla hair.. was pretty tired and sad and demotivated after being bold a few times, green a few times, and all the while missing my bright eyes T.T

So I used what remained of my nx and VOILA, one royal face and one royal hair = THIS PICTURE

November 23, 2012

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Reply November 25, 2012