
How do you craft cubes?

Ive been seeing in the chat box that people are making meister cubes? when was this made possible? and how is it done?

February 6, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


You need Level 11 Smithing to craft Master Craftsman Cubes at Level 11 (Max Rank Unique), and Level 12 for Meister Cubes (Max Rank Legendary).

In order to craft these cubes you need:
10 Cube Fragments, 20 Superior Crystals, 5 Cubic/Chaos Cubic Blades, and some Superior Abrasives. You can buy all of these for around 50m or so in the FM or just get them yourself from Commerci, or by mining Mysterious Herbs/Veins (pretty rare drops).

In order to get to Level 11+ Smithing, you need to first have Level 10 Smithing, and smith things that have a Level 8+ Smithing requirement, which generally are a bit of a pain to make. The best things to craft are Timeless Shoes which give 1400 Mastery and take up 1 Rock of Time, 4 Black/Dark Crystals and some other stuff, and Gold Hearts, which give 300 Mastery and take 4 Gold Plates, 4 Advanced Item Crystals, and some other stuff. It takes around 45,000 mastery to get to Lvl 11, and I don't really know about Lvl 12's requirement. You lose mastery if you don't craft anything for 24 hours I think, and you have a 15 minute cooldown if you craft something (you can craft a gold heart, then a timeless shoe directly afterwards though, but you can't spam craft a single item over and over again).

Reply February 6, 2014

How do you get cubic/chaos cubic blades?

Reply February 6, 2014

[quote=hbarnes]You reach level 10 Smithing, and then you need to keep it above level 11(?).

To make the cubes you need 20 Superior Item Crystals, 5 Cubic/Chaos Cubic Blades, 10 Cube Fragments , and Superior Abrasive's[/quote]

and if u were to buy all these materials yourself. it costs around 50mil total. i think. unless u need 5 cubic and 5 cubic chaos

Reply February 6, 2014

[quote=TankBeutel]well, if you had read the patch notes over 2 months ago, you would know. where have you been?[/quote]

It doesn't tell you how to make them in the update notes lol

Reply February 6, 2014