

leafboi92 #General Talk


Higher level attendance Hi guys, just feel like telling this to everyone since people may not know. instead of traveling all the way to future henesys to kill 300+ monsters in yourrange, if you are level 180+, you can just go to Root abyss and train kill the little imps in the middle portal at the RA map. Just found this out myself so I thought others could use this too instead of walking back and forth from future henesys and back to their own place. Spawn is amazing so it takes like a few minutes to kill 300! Have a nice day!


Karma Koin Activation? How long does it take for them to activate my card? Its been nearly two hours and my card still doesnt work. I reentered my card like 10 times already and still nothing. I went back to the 7/11 and they said it was already activated and they cant do anything. Any help? P.S, yes it is under the Karma Koin section of the nexon page. EVen went on the Karma Koin website to see if the card works but it keeps on saying "invalid" or "Card not found or invalid card. Sorry, that PIN number does not appear to be valid. Please double-check your PIN and try again."

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