letshavesomefun #Thief Talk

General Thief

Why do DBs suck so much compared to other classes? Or do they? I'm not really sure I just feel like they're not putting out as much as all the other classes. Maybe its because they are meant to hit amounts fast and not large. Either way I just don't know whether its worth continuing or using a DB as my main. With the same funding I put into it, would I get more out of a different class? (Shad, Phantom, etc) Also as a side note, I'm also not sure whether or not the empress set is worth it. Is it worth getting a full Empress set then using things like atk VSS and other common items? Would the entire empress set outweigh the top/bottom combo etc? Lemme know any reasons why DB's aren't as good or are as good, as well as reccomendations on if I

General Thief

Why do DBs suck so much compared to other classes? Or do they? I'm not really sure I just feel like they're not putting out as much as all the other classes. Maybe its because they are meant to hit amounts fast and not large. Either way I just don't know whether its worth continuing or using a DB as my main. With the same funding I put into it, would I get more out of a different class? (Shad, Phantom, etc) Also as a side note, I'm also not sure whether or not the empress set is worth it. Is it worth getting a full Empress set then using things like atk VSS and other common items? Would the entire empress set outweigh the top/bottom combo etc? Lemme know any reasons why DB's aren't as good or are as good, as well as reccomendations on if I