

When should I solo Horntail?

A few questions, at what range would be the best for a Horntail solo? Are the drops worth it? Any tips?

Currently I'm at around 59xxx ~ 70xxx buffed with Overclock and MW10, can I solo Horntail with this range? How fast would it take me?

How fast does it take you guys to solo Horntail, and what is your range? Thanks!

August 17, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


you should definitely be able to solo with that range, but it may take you a good bit of time. kill the right arm first so you can no longer be seduced, then the tail (i think it either debuffs you or casts the accuracy thing). otherwise just go cray

Reply August 17, 2013

[quote=Kazzooey]Yes you can definitely solo him. He's really easy for a Mech, ESPECIALLY when you have Distortion. You'll be spending 95% of your time in siege mode so don't even think about using laser until one arm is killed. The drops aren't worth it except for his card. The Leafre Codex set is the best one out there and helps a ton. Here's the best strategy for soloing HT and getting the drops that I've found.

First off, learn the Alt+Enter trick to survive seduce. When you get seduced, just hold down Alt+Enter for 10 seconds (HT Sed lasts for 10 seconds). What it does is it freezes your character and makes you invincible during the time while Seduce counts down.

Now, kill the first two heads like normal by using siege + amp.
When you get to the full body, go ahead and set up RnS in a big triangle to hit as much as you can, and put Bots n Tots at his base. On the left side of the map, put Amp down on the middle platforms on the smallest platform near HT's left arm.
As soon as you summon HT, get over to that little platform ASAP and get into siege and Distort + Siege the crap out of his left arm and wings. His arms are what seduce so those are you first priority and once you kill the left arm, you're golden. Just remember to STAY on the LEFT SIDE of the map so that you are out of the Right arm's Seduce range.
After you kill the wings + left arm, drop down just below you and siege the body + tail, but do not get too close to the right arm so you don't get seduced.
Once you kill those, head back up to your little Amp platform and just Distort + Siege the heads. When the middle head uses weapon cancel, just hop up to the larger middle platform just to your left and siege the left head until the middle head's Weapon Cancel is finished. Repeat this process until they're dead.
After you kill both the left and middle heads, just siege the right head until it's dead.
Lastly, keep the right arm alive AND STAY ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE MAP until you reach the 30 minute marker in HT. You cannnot get drops until 30 minutes are left. Once you have 30 minutes left, go ahead and siege the right arm on your little platform and kill it. Now you've beaten Horntail.[/quote]

Thank you sooo much! This will be plenty useful, kudos to you.

Reply August 17, 2013 - edited

Yes you can definitely solo him. He's really easy for a Mech, ESPECIALLY when you have Distortion. You'll be spending 95% of your time in siege mode so don't even think about using laser until one arm is killed. The drops aren't worth it except for his card. The Leafre Codex set is the best one out there and helps a ton. Here's the best strategy for soloing HT and getting the drops that I've found.

First off, learn the Alt+Enter trick to survive seduce. When you get seduced, just hold down Alt+Enter for 10 seconds (HT Sed lasts for 10 seconds). What it does is it freezes your character and makes you invincible during the time while Seduce counts down.

Now, kill the first two heads like normal by using siege + amp.
When you get to the full body, go ahead and set up RnS in a big triangle to hit as much as you can, and put Bots n Tots at his base. On the left side of the map, put Amp down on the middle platforms on the smallest platform near HT's left arm.
As soon as you summon HT, get over to that little platform ASAP and get into siege and Distort + Siege the crap out of his left arm and wings. His arms are what seduce so those are you first priority and once you kill the left arm, you're golden. Just remember to STAY on the LEFT SIDE of the map so that you are out of the Right arm's Seduce range.
After you kill the wings + left arm, drop down just below you and siege the body + tail, but do not get too close to the right arm so you don't get seduced.
Once you kill those, head back up to your little Amp platform and just Distort + Siege the heads. When the middle head uses weapon cancel, just hop up to the larger middle platform just to your left and siege the left head until the middle head's Weapon Cancel is finished. Repeat this process until they're dead.
After you kill both the left and middle heads, just siege the right head until it's dead.
Lastly, keep the right arm alive AND STAY ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE MAP until you reach the 30 minute marker in HT. You cannnot get drops until 30 minutes are left. Once you have 30 minutes left, go ahead and siege the right arm on your little platform and kill it. Now you've beaten Horntail.

Reply August 17, 2013 - edited

its possible to solo horntail with that range, but since we're a mech, it's really hard for us to solo.

Reply August 17, 2013 - edited