

lindemann #Chat Talk

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I need help with my socialstudys homework. Hey basilers! Me and my workgroup in school (Socialstudys class) Had to choose a ''problem'' And describe the following: Problem, Cause, Side effects, Possible solution/Solution. We are four so we divided it and took one of the options each ofcourse and i ended up with Problem :) We chose to work around the whole israel-palestine conflict thats been going on for quite a long while now. What i'm supposed to put together isnt like..a beginning to end thing, just the section ''problem'' As in, how it shows itself (car bombs,wars,political conflicts Etc) Im having a bit of problems with this becouse the internet doesnt tell me everything i need to know and, i cant just report in a paper that has the wo

General Chat

How do i look Threads Why are so many kids obsessed with their looks? Everyday i see alot of these threads where 11~14 year olds ask to get their looks rated. A kid aged 11~14 should [b]not[/b] be worrying about his or hers looks. Your body is still transforming and you will look very different in perhaps even one year. All throughout puberty your body is changing and it wont stop untill you are roughly 18~20. If you think you'll never find a girlfriend/boyfriend because you dont look like the underwearmodels in todays media you're wrong. Alot of people fail to realize that normal people do not and are not supposed to look like those models. Boys, girls dont prefer guys who look like they are carrying a TV anymore than they like ordinary gu

General Chat

How should a guy cut his hair nowadays So! I feel that it's time for a haircut! However, i got no idea how i want it D: I dont want a really short haircut, but i dont want to have to spend several minutes fixing it either! Right now i just..get up sorta? I dont really do anything to my hair. [url=]Current ''haircut.''[/url] That's how it is right now. The ideal haircut would be something shorter, that i have to fix! BUT it can't take more than..a short period of time D: Maybe a wet hand through it or something!

General Chat

I need help tabbing this song So im a guitarist really but this time i was assigned BASS! Sure i can manage playing bass pretty well but i cant really find a tab for the song that helps me the way i need :/ The song is [b]Reach out, I'll be there[/b] By four tops, I just need like..a fund to start on :/' I can figure out the bassline myself, but where do i put it? o: I know the song does in D# So it obviously starts in D# So its like D# D# D# Bb D# D#, D# D# D# Bb D# D And then like...D#~Fb Bb Bb ?(E?)~Fb Fb Bb ?(E?)~Fb Fb Bb AH im so lost here