
Job Advancement and Hp

Does job advancement still affect the amount of HP gained per level? Is there a tiny difference whether a rogue advances to second job at level 30 or 32? If this is or is no longer the case, could anyone link me the source of information? I'm just curious about what determines the amount of HP a character receives per level.

March 19, 2015

6 Comments • Newest first


[quote=LittleTLK]Jobbed classes (other than mage) have much higher HP gain per level than beginners, however, I'm not sure if this is recalcualted when you job advance or not.
You can test this easily enough, all maple character have the same base HP at the same level and job (or at least, I think they do...)

Simply job advance at level 12 and job advance at level 10. Compare your HP stat (remember no links or character cards or equips on and don't touch your skill points). If the values aren't identical, there's a problem.[/quote]

Thank you for the detailed response. I'm still wondering though if there's a difference in HP gained per level if the second job advancement is late (at level 32 instead of level 30). There's probably almost no difference, but I wonder if it made the most minute impact when I job advanced at level 32 back in the August of 2012. I'm just too lazy to test this out myself by making two second job mules.

Reply March 19, 2015

Jobbed classes (other than mage) have much higher HP gain per level than beginners, however, I'm not sure if this is recalcualted when you job advance or not.
You can test this easily enough, all maple character have the same base HP at the same level and job (or at least, I think they do...)

Simply job advance at level 12 and job advance at level 10. Compare your HP stat (remember no links or character cards or equips on and don't touch your skill points). If the values aren't identical, there's a problem.

Reply March 19, 2015

I don't think that person knows what they were talking about. Maybe that before, warriors had a skill that boosted HP and you needed to max that right away because it scaled as you leveled.

Reply March 19, 2015

[quote=MrSinDeath19]No it's not, except for 1st job I believe.

But the actual amount is very tiny, and HP isn't that big a deal anymore with character cards+link skills+set effects[/quote]

So to clarify, only the transition from a beginner to a rogue (first job) affects the amount of HP gained per level? I know HP isn't much of a big deal anymore, but these answers are just to satisfy my curiosity.

[quote=x0ramon0x]Plus, that is no warrior.[/quote]

How does being a warrior class bear relevance here? Is there a special exception to them?

Reply March 19, 2015

Plus, that is no warrior.

Reply March 19, 2015

No it's not, except for 1st job I believe.

But the actual amount is very tiny, and HP isn't that big a deal anymore with character cards+link skills+set effects

Reply March 19, 2015