
Leveling EXP help

Hi. I am looking for ways to improve my exp gain while levelling and would like to get some tips on how to improve it.

Currently in 4 hours of the 2xp event I get a total of about 45 billion - 50 billion exp in SDH 2 manning the map (2 people party me on one side, other person on the other side). I don't have Mercedes Link or Zero Card but will have them both by this weekend and this will greatly improve the exp gain. I also changed to bishop so I do get HS from that.

But are there other ways to improve the experience gained? Would it be more feasible to split the map and solo in SDH while giving the other side to another person (like not being in party but splitting map)? I want to get something like 70b+ instead of the 45b - 55b I get now during the 2xp event.

Please let me know thanks.

November 4, 2015

7 Comments • Newest first


You will make more sharing map as a bishop than soloing

Reply November 4, 2015

have u tried warrior grounds? because SDH kinda sux

Reply November 4, 2015

@lllllllllllllil: You would need to find out your kills per minute while solo sharing and party sharing the map.

It's very hard to beat EXP rates when in party compared to soloing while on high multipliers. That's because your base EXP decreases the more party members are in the party. Since you can one hit kill, split the map while not in a party.

Reply November 4, 2015 - edited

@wall: I am bishop myself and have auto hs on pet, also have non leeching kanna. Would soloing be better if i split map (I take one side, other person take other side)?? Or would it be better to solo will full map without anyone else there (prefer not to do this since I would have to keep moving back and forth, with splitting map I can stand still and hit and get 5 kills with every hit).

Reply November 4, 2015 - edited

@yondaime: This doesn't answer my question... I job changed to bishop + have kanna outside party. Use all 2exp event / coupons + enjoyable winter.

I am asking for ways to improve exp gain from 45b - 50b to something like 70b+

@xicrunk: Yeah I will have both merc link + zero card this weekend but It still won't get me to 70b+ exp. Something close to 55b-60b

Reply November 4, 2015 - edited

also zeros character card give % exp

Reply November 4, 2015 - edited

mooo goes the cat

Reply November 4, 2015 - edited