

lolmiggy #Chat Talk

General Chat

Could anyone help me show my brother what a loser he is? He's your typical 19-year-old NEET who sits in his room literally all day with the exception of bathroom and food breaks playing League of Legends till 5 or 6 in the morning. He's the black sheep of the family. That's been his story-in-a-nutshell since early 2011 and I haven't had a single night's worth of a peaceful sleep since then. All he does is laugh like a loud b _ _ _ _ all night on Skype without a single intelligent thing to say. I've had to wake up to him talking about anything from girls with male genitalia to talking about how a particular girl or another is a "5/10" (as though anyone would touch him). At one point he has woken me up while yelling "SHUT UP&qu