

lolmiggy #Gms Talk

General Gms

I really hope LacheXia breaks into the top 5 soon It's so unsavory having to now see [b]five[/b] pairs of bright eyes every time I open the rankings page. I can understand to an extent dedicating resources to leveling that much, but the starting point for shame should be managing to look (when not intended) more like an assclown than this character does in the company of four others who do too. It's an awfully high magnitude. I think they all need to find a quiet spot in Ellinia and contemplate and reflect on their offense instead of taking a piss break. Stop it already. Go ! Edit: Rankings updated 20 minutes after I made this thread and put his sunglasses on. Let's hope he stays that way. Or if someone wants to be nice, buy him a Cat Hat f