looniemunki #Chat Talk

General Chat

im so screwed T.T i unno where to post this so please some admin can you fix this? okay.... so... i wanted to go pee real quick in my dorm and closed the door behind me. next thing i realize is i locked myself out... and i can't go outside to request a lock out because im in my boxers... :( what do i do? edit: i dont have my phone either :( edit2: many of you stupid people think this was a troll but it wasn't. you people obviously need lives. im back in my dorm now. and i was locked OUT of my room not the bathroom... and i had my laptop cuz i was reading my essay and i wanted to multitask while brushing my teeth and peeing. apparently people don't take their laptops to their bathrooms... i had to borrow my roommate's phone jesus you people