looniemunki #General Talk


Boss Vs Att percentage Guide These two links will help you understand WHY boss % has to be 10x that of % attack. Up until now every one i asked has told me to keep my boss % under 270 and the rest of my potential lines at % attack. at 99% attack and 197% boss damage, I can tell you personally this is NOT the way to cube your items. It honestly felt very very inefficient to go towards so much attack %. [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EBMwpnPe_jPDKAjtiCeCP2kvLo3mKUU-yyialWYGCkE/edit#gid=0]Boss to Att Calculator[/url] [url=http://bossvsatt.blogspot.com/]An Actual Explanation as to why it should be[/url] I Tried to add another link but it was not allowed so I will let you basilers google and do some personal research I've spent a l


Help selling an item over max. So I'm selling a 126 atk u/h cora von leon pistol (scania) and when the time comes, I don't really know how to sell it? I'd accept pinkies and whites... but because of the duping exploit a day or two ago, I don't trust them. (this includes most godlies, i was offered a vip necklace 20% dex) What, basil, should I do? O.o I hear people are starting to get banned (whether you never ever duped or you are a duper) for having duped items. (I guess the patch wasn't about the dupe, but a way to prevent it)


Something nexon seriously needs to add I love gaming. Been away from maplestory to try different games and now i'm back. Something I realized is that this game has no security. Virtually every game I played had this. What I mean by no security is that, this game needs IP lock. If someone was logging in my account from a different IP address, the account email should be notified immediately for validation. W.o validation the account can not be logged in or at least a hell ban. amirite?

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