

Hayato vs. DA vs. Aran

Is it me or does DA have better DPS (possibly at cap) than Hayato Shinsoku and Aran BB + other skills they use.
*Pre-Revamp Buff/Nerf* - SariJay - ChickeSoul

November 14, 2015

8 Comments • Newest first


I trust ur calculations but yeah it seems that DA will purely be a bossing class specially after revamp. Although if u hit high enough with nether its a fun skill to use when mobbing since its almost a full map attack

Reply November 15, 2015

@chickensoul: Completely forgot I could slow down the video and test it myself. Although the way the lines appear is seriously annoying me (first line in the middle, then one in the bottom, then one in the top... because reasons); the combo meter also seems to be desynched with the actual hits, it works properly overall (you don't 'lose' any sword energy), but anyways... The only thing I can be absolutely sure is that the hyper skill only adds a line, not an actual hit, so Shinsoku only actually hits twice per 'cycle', but the second hit an additional line.

Although I'm can't be absolutely certain, I've convinced myself that Shinsoku hits every 120ms, similiar as most hurricane-like/keydown skills, first hit is a single line, the second is doubled by the hyper skill, which means 12,5 lines and 8.33... sword energy per second. Unfortunately, one of the slowest characters in terms of DPS when capping.

@lorddaemon: Decided to do some random math to see how powerful Demon Avengers really are, but the more I learn about it, the more I'm convinced Demon Avengers skillset is overstaturated (LOTS of %damage, %hp, def. ignore, a final attack, a bind... No wonder they are an amazing unfunded class), so, yeah, DA > Hayato in terms of bossing at any level of funding. In terms of mobbing, Hayato mobility and range are godlike, but I suppose Demon Avenger's damage is higher (so better at places like F/SDH).

Reply November 15, 2015

@lorddaemon: That sounds about right. Mobbing ability between the three largely depends on the map. For instance, at a place like Twilight Perion, Hayato excels if you combo your skills right. On the other hand, DA and Aran would be more of the go-to classes of the three for places like FDH/SDH.

Reply November 15, 2015

@chickensoul: ahh ok so DA > Hayato > Aran in terms of HPS and bossing in general? DAs mobbing will drastically decrease due to the revamp being 6 enemies to 2 though. Hayato has long range attacks also though.

Reply November 15, 2015

I'm pretty confident that a capping DA would be stronger than a Hayato, even if my daily casual runs are usually faster than the video. Not sure if Hellux is the right boss to use as a comparison, though. Unless Hayato's HPS was a lot higher than DA, the ability to decently mob clear, hit the eyes from the edge of the platform, and still hit the gem while not actually there via Nether Shield make quite a difference.

EDIT: You can disregard some of the info up there since you only continued the timer when they were attacking (I based it on the actual timer).

@chaosh: Definitely don't quote me on this because all I did was slow down a video and play it back, but I'd say Shinsoku is around 12-15 hits/second (with the +1 line from hyper). I could very well be wrong on that one.

Reply November 15, 2015 - edited

@chaosh: i timed it using google timer lol and would only pause it when theyre not attacking the face. Da does have a better hps due to op nether xD ended with 3.06 minutes hayato and 2.35 DA. Aran almost beat hayato too im sure shinsoku would be better over all if DA only used execution.

Reply November 15, 2015 - edited

Indeed, it seems that Demon Avenger have a much higher HPS (hit per second) than Hayatos, so they DPS at cap is higher. Chicken Soul wasn't really trying to be fast however, so that's far from being the fastest a Hayato can solo Hellux, but, anyways, I wonder how fast Shinsoku actually is...

Reply November 14, 2015 - edited