

looking for inventory slots

finally able to play after several years, i remember one of the main problems i had. namely my item hoarding. i was wondering if there were any quests besides the friend story ones that reward extra slots? also is that place a permanent feature? i'd like to get some of those chairs, but don't wanna have to dedicate all my time to it.

March 25, 2016

3 Comments • Newest first


well i had to change my pw to something that's kinda a pain to remember so i'd like to avoid mules if i can. kindathe point of the expanded inventory. i'll hold of on those though i guess. i really dont wanna get too obsessed over the events this time though. i did that last time and the game stopped being fun. when there's always an event, they stop being actual events and drive away casual players. btw how much do perm android hearts cost in scania? i'm not looking for some op thing, i just don't wanna have to make a new one every two weeks. i know you can buy temp ones now, but its still a bit of a hassle.

Reply March 26, 2016

During the reboot events' release, I abused the boxes before they had a coin limit and bought out the inventory slot coupons they had in their shop. Maxed inv slots feels goooood

Anyway, just make multiple explorer pirate classes e.g. bucc or cannoneer as item mules.
They passively have expanded inv slots.

Reply March 25, 2016 - edited

Yes, FriendStory is a permanent feature.

I can't think of anything else that gives slots other than Tot's -Know-How that gives 4 equip slots, but they are often included in events, coin shops, and hot days.

Reply March 25, 2016 - edited