

lucky165 #Evan Talk

General Evan

Evan Alliance Skill-Step By Step Quests I have seen numerous Evans confused about the Will of Alliance quests, so i am making a thread with the step by step to obtaining the skill. [b]Willpower of Alliance[/b] (Master level 1): Permanently increases STR/DEX/INT/LUK/ATT/M.ATT +5. First, you must complete the prequests in Edelstein.The prequests include "Town Filled with Suspicion" and "Their Identity". [url=]Prequests In Edelstein[/url] Once you complete those quests, Meet Hiver 1 should appear in a light bulb. Here's a step by step of the Meet Hiver quests. Once you reach the end of this quest line, the Alliance quest will appear. [url=http://s4.ze