
My problem with Ms

I was randomly browsing Basil when all of a sudden 10 wild threads appear: OMGZ IM BAK AFTR 10 YEARS WAT DO I DOZ
Just kidding, no offense to those people. But onto the important stuff:

I started playing after Beta and have been on and off since--mostly off recently as this game has lost most of my interest. I kept coming back, but at one point or another, I would quit again for the SAME REASON. It was never because I was unhappy with the way Nexon did things, or because I was banned, etc. [b]INSTEAD[/b], it was always because I couldn't enjoy the game. Why you ask?

As someone who often dabbles in computer games and the like, I have an unhealthy tendency. Whatever it is I'm doing, I HAVE to be good at it. I'm not saying that I have to be the best, but I have to be comparable with the best. In some games this is easy, and for some people it doesn't really matter. But for MS and ME, this is impossible. In order to be even REMOTELY close to the "pros," I would probably have to throw another $600-$800 into this game. An expensive hobby neh? And notice I said [i]another[/i] because I've probably already spent $300 since it's release.

Maybe you're one of those people who finds entertainment in MS even though you are in the bottom 10%, or maybe you're sitting comfy right in the middle. Until MS becomes a game where I can compare with the "pros" without spending that much money, I have decided that it is POINTLESS to play. I had some hope that RED would be the beginning of that change, but after some consideration I have decided that MS will never change into what I want it to be.

NOW, who really cares? If while reading this, what I'm saying strikes a chords with you, then follow my advice and DON'T come back to this game. Most people who still play will confess that this game is slowly dying, especially if they are part of the old school crew. If you also have this pathological need to be above average, save yourself the frustration, the money, and the time--find another game to play.

Thanks for reading! And if you love this game for what it is--I truly envy you, don't take this thread the wrong way

December 4, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


ission macomplished.

Reply December 4, 2013

@GurlMaybe *Gets down on one knee*
"Will you marry me?"
Our love with transcend the boundaries between worlds.

Reply December 4, 2013

Reserved post

Get ready for flames

Reply December 4, 2013