

maj48 #General Talk


New forum thread proposal idea K so I log in today, and I see about 9/10 of the general forums section about people Q.Qing over the death of maple. I ASK THEE FELLOW BASILERS, DO YOU LIKE THIS? Do you like to hear the random 14 year olds whine about the game you love? I propose we make an entire forum section for all the Q.Qers where they can all Q.Q together and us normal people can go about our daily lives (yes this will reduce the flow of daily basil threads, but it doesn't really help with the environment of BasilMarket does it?)


I am a slave Recently Nexon has introduced an event called the "Everyday Endeavour" event. Since the inception of this event, I have been requested about 67 parties from random strangers. I thought to myself: Wow, I must be really popular! But then they left right after I accept. Turns out people just want me for my naturally beautiful elven body. I demand Nexon changes this event! The elven race has become slaves to the humans! We must unite with the space cowboys and fuzzy mages of the world to overthrow this slavery!


Weird drops at ToT Today I was grinding at ToT cuz lhc see makes my computer lag. So very now and then I would return to leafre for various reasons. When i walked back to my map (Road of Regrets 5) I would notice drops. So naturally I looted them because I need pieces of time. However after doing this a few times I began to notice the spacing of the drops to ALWAYS be in the same pattern. For example in Road of Regrets 4 there would ALWAYS be clumps of 4 or 5 blue hearts (guardian drops) and clumps of cracked hourglasses (eye of time drops) but NEVER mixed together. This is nearly impossible since the spawn is mixed. Also despite all the maps having drops in the same arrangement EVERYTIME I pass by there was never a person seen killing them

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