

maj48 #Gms Talk

General Gms

Scammer in scania and broa I am here to report a scammer in scania and broa HIs ign is motocycle of the same guild zerobydivide is in (zero did not vouch) His ign in scania is rnatteo he scammed me 10k nx by giving me a used code. I told him after, with nx transaction history and refused to give back the mesos. here is the series of screenshots i took. Sorry if its not filtered His voucher in scania are the following xmrdaddy (spoke to him personally) babysugoi somuchherb If you need a screenshot of transaction history or w/e let me know EDIT: The scammer wants me to let you know that babysugoi and somuchherb did not actually vouch, he just claimed that he sold them nx.