
Number of Buffs and Skills

Hey guys!

[b]So before we have the "wanna-be-top-repliers-snidely-commenting", I'd like to cast my Flame-shield buff, as this is not a rant nor a complaint -- simply a stating of facts.[/b]

As you [may] know, decent skills that were glitched were removed. Meaning, those who had such buffs from glitching lost them all. Taking this into consideration, particularly with buccaneers, I'd like to bring up the issue of how many buffs we have compared to ... well everyone else:

1.) Booster
2.) Speed infusion
3.) Roll of Dice [Despite its cooldown..]
4.) Maple Warrior [Despite its rareness..]

MEANING, we buccaneers essentially have only 2 buffs .. before I had MANY and it would be great to have to cast them all [proof is in my screenies]. This is not cool compared to how many buffs, lets say, Mercedes or Dragon Slayers or even ThievesShadowers now.

Thought I'd bring it up for my fellow buccs to discuss... how ya feeling about it peeps? It just grinds my gears.

(P.S! Did anyone else notice the slight changes in skill names and even barrage's animation sound change?)

July 1, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


Still! Taking into consideration how slow buccs are compared to everyone else now, why couldn't they at least get decent buffs?


Reply July 1, 2012

[quote=xlDanteIx]Even just having 4 skills dispelled is annoying though when you're bossing, especially when 5 of them have delay. ._.
Haste, Dark Harmony, Maple Warrior, Shadow Partner, & Shadow Stars.
LF> Old Haste and Shadow Star buff time.[/quote]

Try gathering 5 Killing Points just to be able to recast Shadower Instinct, lol. It's annoying as hell in Dojo especially. ;~;

Reply July 1, 2012

I prefer having less buffs.

Too much crap to recast whenever I get dispelled.

Reply July 1, 2012

meditation, magic armour, magic guard, maple warrior, spell booster, buff mastery, teleport mastery (last two aren't really buffs, more like toggleable passives...)



I think we have the best party buffs. Everyone LOVES magic attack, eh?

Reply July 1, 2012

actually thats very true, but the fact that we only have 2 buffs, and BOTH are only atk speed related.. kinda sucks

We cant compete with them regardless of having speed buffs such as these, because our attacks in general are slow too.. maybe if we had some kind of health regenerating buff or something, it would make up

Reply July 1, 2012

Less buffs is a good thing. When bossing, the top of my screen fills up 2 bars of buffs, and it gets really annoying to see which buff I have to cast when.

Reply July 1, 2012

[quote=xlDanteIx]Before NL's only had Haste, Booster, and Shadowpartner.[/quote]

Meso up as well though, that is now double the amount we have

Reply July 1, 2012

You'd be thankful for it when you're in front of a boss that dispels.

Take it from a pally, less buffs is a good thing.

Reply July 1, 2012