

mapleck #Chat Talk

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Requesting Hired Graphic Artists Hello, I have a class project to do in school and It involves me setting up a job shadow with a professional in a certain job field For me to do a Job Shadow, I have to set it up, go meet the person directly, and ask questions relating to the job, write about it (teacher is extremely strict) and get a business card and a signature from the person I met. Not to mention I have to send a 'thank you' letter card to a legit address nearby my house in LA afterwards... :( Problem: I chose Graphic Artist as a job.. but I cannot find any 'professional' near my home in California. Sure there are probably bunch that I don't know but I can't get a hold of anyone that I can meet directly.. Possible solution: I could ask

General Chat

Requesting Hired Graphic Artists Hello, I have a class project to do in school and It involves me setting up a job shadow with a professional in a certain job field For me to do a Job Shadow, I have to set it up, go meet the person directly, and ask questions relating to the job, write about it (teacher is extremely strict) and get a business card and a signature from the person I met. Not to mention I have to send a 'thank you' letter card to a legit address nearby my house in LA afterwards... :( Problem: I chose Graphic Artist as a job.. but I cannot find any 'professional' near my home in California. Sure there are probably bunch that I don't know but I can't get a hold of anyone that I can meet directly.. Possible solution: I could ask

General Chat

Wait, Wait, so I just got times warner cable It says for basic, the speed is 7 Mbps, So Does it mean that I should be getting .7 MB/S downloads? as in, downloading 700 Kilobytes per second? Or does the speed not effect the download in anyway? Cause my friend got the turbo, and goes up to 1.5 Mb/s download speeds, as in 1500 kb/s, but I am getting a crappy 150 kb/s Wdf is going on o__O EDIT: Okay, got it resolved, I guess they gave me the "basic" service while it was supposed to give me "Standard" service,,,

General Chat

So I asked this girl to homecominglike every other title Well, I asked this girl, to homecoming, Went pretty well, go tickets and everything... But now... what do I exactly do? Say, I don't have very much friends, and we are a bit awkward with each other... And the things to do after, I can't drive, nor have any money for a limo, and the nearest restaurant is pretti far from our school :( I think making us walk would be a bit disrespectful and getting pizza would be abit too casual,,, I can get my mom to drive, but I think it'll be awkward as well... @#$@#