

marilanna #Chat Talk

General Chat

Is there a way to block Skype calls from a group? There's a Skype group that I'm in where I will occasionally read or write chat messages. I have the notifications muted unless someone says my name. However, they have calls several times a day and it's really annoying having the call pop up on my screen because I'm never interested in them. If I put my status to "do not disturb" I end up missing other people's calls that I actually wanted... is there anything I can do or should I just leave the group?

General Chat

Whats the big deal about being a virgin I've always wondered why people on basilmarket (and outside of this forum of course) make it seem like such a bad thing. Especially when the majority of people are 14 to 18 maybe - is it really expected that teenagers need to be sleeping around to have a life? Dying a virgin is a little upsetting, but "I bet you've never been laid" is a compliment more than anything. Hooray, I won't have anything to regret after I graduate high school. Whee :)