mattrimkevx #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

Petition Get the Duration of Blood Drain Increased to 180 After the FLY patch we are left with 4 main active buffs: Maple Warrior, Staff Booster, Battle Master, and Blood Drain The durations of these skills at max level is 900, 180, 180, 120 in that order. The logical conclusion is to have Staff booster, battle master and blood drain macro'd together. However [b]there is no reason for the blood drain's duration to be this short.[/b] It's just an annoyance having to recast it every 2 minutes, and there's no other reason to have the duration as short as it is other than to be an annoyance. Given that blood drain has no cooldown, we effectively have it on all the time, so it doesn't really matter how long it goes for other than for consistent