

mcjjashik #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

What am I doing wrong? Wind Archer Range Hey fellow maplers, I was looking at some equipment videos for other classes and the few I've seen seem to have nearly double the range than me with much subpar gear. I've spent a significant amount of mesos more than those in the videos -- sure I'm missing quite a few pieces of equipment, but I think I'm doing relatively well for the ones I do have. Unbuffed,190437 - 224044 Self-buffed, 311809 - 366834 151 % Boss 537 Weapon Attack in equipment 153% Dex Level 202 Am I doing something wrong? Unbalanced between ATT and Dex %? Or is it simply my class (no offense taken) -- Thanks for the help!

General Bowman

900 Mil to spend, level 111 old Ranger Hello Basil As the title says, I have [b]880[/b] mil to spend on my ranger and don't know how I should spread it. I'm sure you guys are much more updated than me so I need your assistance. It's been approximately a year (on and off) since I last played maple. I've done my fair share to try to catch up and read about potentials, changes, BB in general, and other criteria like that. All I have is the following: 880 mil Scar (dex) helm 2atk/4str pac MoN pendant 9 str 11 dex red mantle clean [b]bought 17 evolving ring for 200m, then merchanted a lil and got 180 more mil[/b] In other words, I have no earring, no ring (1spot), no armor (for later use), no belt, no gloves, and most importantly, no bow. How sh

General Bowman

900 Mil to spend, level 111 old Ranger Hello Basil As the title says, I have [b]880[/b] mil to spend on my ranger and don't know how I should spread it. I'm sure you guys are much more updated than me so I need your assistance. It's been approximately a year (on and off) since I last played maple. I've done my fair share to try to catch up and read about potentials, changes, BB in general, and other criteria like that. All I have is the following: 880 mil Scar (dex) helm 2atk/4str pac MoN pendant 9 str 11 dex red mantle clean [b]bought 17 evolving ring for 200m, then merchanted a lil and got 180 more mil[/b] In other words, I have no earring, no ring (1spot), no armor (for later use), no belt, no gloves, and most importantly, no bow. How sh

General Bowman

What atk should I stop making my engaw? Hello Basil, I plan to make an engaw with xxx amount of attack to whitescroll/50% Yes, I am aware that a VIP bow is better as well as the future 130 and 140; however, I don't like the aesthetics of the VIP bow and the 130 will only be 5 atk difference from the 120 (from looking at the pattern). 140 will be nearly impossible to get so I don't want to think about that. What i'm wondering about is when should I start scrolling it. Obviously, I'd be using the maker skill and making +3 (with diamond) and +-5 (with crystal) If 105 is base, and 108 is with diamond, how high should I be looking for the crystal to work. Of course the higher the better, but in all likelihood, I won't get a +5 from the crystal o