
Will people still buy tempest items?

I havent played since that event and I just figured out i have tempest items. I have 3 belts, 1 ring and 1 shoulder thing. The potentials are useless so idk.

So pretty much will people still buy these and for what price

December 27, 2013

3 Comments • Newest first


[quote=megatron1121]So pretty much will people still buy these [/quote]

Like the others said, it's pretty much only the 6% potentials that anyone buys now.
If you had more of them you could try fusing them to see if you could get a better potential, or you can extract them for Advanced crystals.

Reply December 30, 2013 - edited

Well here in broa
There's people selling tempest rings
With like 6%Luk and stuff like

Reply December 30, 2013 - edited

What an earlier poster said.. i wouldn't invest in one unless it already had nice stats and potential.

Reply December 27, 2013 - edited