

melonmel #Chat Talk

General Chat

How can I stop being such a noob? At Everything Ok I admit it. I suck at games... and life. No seriously, I'm horrible, but I love games :S Maplestory doesn't require much skill at all so it's easy to play but hand me a console and I'll be wounding up in last place. I really want to get better at games and stop being such a noob but it's really hard! I really like games but its a bit hard to enjoy it if you end up being last all the time. If you make me play a strategy game, your army/colony/team is going to fail... instantly. Play a fighting game and I'll get KOed in the first 30 seconds. Play a parkour game and I'll fall many times on the first level. Play a luck game and I'm last ._. I like to cook as well, but my food ends up in smoke.

General Chat

Asking all non gold digger guys out there What kind of girl would you fall for? Please no "M1LL10N4R3Z, ES EM DE, RH4P3 D4T N1QQUH, SL4P H3R 1F N0 S4MM1CH AND DD T1TZ". If you're only dating [b]solely[/b] for money and to abuse her please don't leave a comment. Of course most of you would rather date a smoking hot rich girl but there must be other characteristics that you look for right? -Nice? -Funny? -Smart? -Gamer? -Clean? -Smells nice? -Cheers you up when you're sad? I want to know because if one day I do get a boyfriend I can be a better girlfriend. I don't want my relationship to be one of those stupid ones where the boy does everything and gets a free hug in return. I can't change how much money I can spoil him with but I c

General Chat

This has happened to me so many times When I'm playing a game in multiplayer, with or without voice chat I get a conversation along the lines of this: Guy: Omg wtf you suck (yes I'm horrible at games probably why this happens so many times) bro do you even lift? Me: No, I don't really want to get ripped muscles or anything. Guy: LOL you dumb faq, I'd probably beat you in real life Me: If you didn't I would feel bad for you, like, really bad : Guy: Hah feqqot, I bet you don't have a girlfriend, I've had 2 but I dumped them. Me: Good for you, but I don't really want a girlfriend. Guy: Are you actually a feqqot? (if I'm on voice chat) You even sound like one, keep talking pu$$y, keep talking like a girl. Me: But I am a girl :( What's wrong wit