

So, about Kaiser

So....from the results of a previous thread, I guess I've decided on drawing Kaiser.
Now, I've got a question for all you Kaiser enthusiasts: Is Kaiser a kid, an adult..., or a young adult?
I'm kinda leaning towards kid from the intro (I only got to level 10).

December 19, 2012

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=EpicMizuki]uhm.... i guess depends on what kaiser you're talking about? are you talking about the previous kaiser, or the reincarnation of him which you play as?
if older id say probably middle aged or so
if younger id say young adult[/quote]

I'm talking about the present-time Kaiser.
I guess I'll go with around 18-ish then, since everyone seems to agree he's around that age. :I
Thanks for the input guys~!

Reply December 19, 2012

well he is a knight I'm guessing to be a squire (knight in training) you need to be between 8-17 years old so I'm guessing he is around 18 but then again it is maple and with these graphics its hard to tell

Reply December 19, 2012