

milkocha #Chat Talk

General Chat

What should I do? I saw some Asian pears in my friend's backpack so I took one because I was hungry, then she shouted "WHY ARE YOU SO BOOCHIE, NANSTER?" Then I'm like qurl what did you just call me. Ugh, she's so.. so weird. After class I walked up to some random brack girl to ask her what the word meant and she replied with "a broken Africa princess" and I was like oh hael *snaps fingers in z-formation-..-smacks lips- ouuuu dis girl! Am bouta rip hur weave off or somting. What should I say back to my friend for calling me a boochie? Am I really a boochie? Help pls! D:

General Chat

Weirdest thing happened today So school was almost over, and I had food stuck on my mind while walking to gym. My friend and I gave each other a fist bump then *BAM* fried chicken fell to the ground from the second floor (I'm srs, not lying) Sadly it wasn't any dat kfc quality fried chicken but ya know, it's fried chicken, gotta deal wid it. Btw I almost cried again because my friend called me a boochie for stealing her apples and poptarts. Anyway, how was your day? Anything weird happen?